Training materials
The below resources will help guide you as your team prepares for competition.
Additionally, if you are new to mock trial, we will be offering virtual interest meetings in the near future. Please contact the NCMTP Program Administrator at admin@ncmocktrial.org if you have any questions.
General overview:
Tips for your practice sessions:
Handouts on procedure:
BONUS: Lesson Planning: Check out MockTrialStrategies.com — created by Oregon-based retired attorney and long-time mock trial coach Dennis Gerl and shared here with his permission. Note of caution: although very helpful and comprehensive, this resource is not specific to North Carolina and all teams should defer to the NCMTP High School Mock Trial Competition Rules for the final answer on competition procedure.
2012-13 High School Mock Trial Team Training Video, Part 1: Program Overview
2012-13 High School Mock Trial Team Training Video, Part 2: Student Witnesses
2012-13 High School Mock Trial Team Training Video, Part 3: Student Attorneys
Ten Tips for Effective Cross Examination
Irving Younger’s Ten Commandments of Cross Examination (summary)
International Assoc. of Defense Counsel Videos
Johnson & Hunter Inc.