The mock trial team from Central Carolina Homeschoolers, the 2024 State Champion, with N.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice Paul Newby
After three preliminary rounds and a hard-fought final over which Chief Justice Paul Newby of the North Carolina Supreme Court presided, the Central Carolina Homeschoolers (Team Veritas) won the 32nd annual High School Mock Trial State Championship on Saturday, March 16. J.H. Rose High School (Team Green), the 2023 State Champion, was the runner-up. Haley Kramer was named the Best Attorney in the Final Round, and Grace O’Brien was named Best Witness.
Nine regional champions and three at-large teams, as well as three Courtroom Artists, competed at Campbell’s Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law School on Friday and Saturday. In winning the competition, the Central Carolina Homeschoolers team earned the right to represent North Carolina at the National High School Mock Trial Competition in Wilmington, Delaware in May.

The mock trial team from J.H. Rose High School, the 2024 State Runner-Up, with N.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice Paul Newby

Haley Kramer, Final Round Best Attorney, and Rebecca Britton, NCMTP President

Grace O’Brien, Final Round Best Witness, and Rebecca Britton, NCMTP President